However, Grealy is not guaranteed a successful reconstruction because of her early exposure to radiation. Grafts would be useful in restoring parts of her face which had been destroyed by the tumor. Irradiated tissues tend not to take grafts too well and presents a higher rate of reabsorption even if the graft wasn’t actually rejected.” Grealy seeks reconstruction services because cancer deforms her face.

Conley) explained that biggest obstacle to reconstruction would come from all the radiation treatments I’d undergone. Evidently, the tumor impacts the appearance of the face specifically the jaw area hence, Grealy’s looks are not impressive.

Its removal would it in stopping its subsequent spread. Grealy explains, “I specifically asked Mary if she’d give me the injection before my fourth operation, the one than involved removing the tumor and no more than one third of the jaw.” The tumor is indicative of cancer. Pain inherent in the injections elicits Grealy’s extreme dread. The needles are integral apparatuses for her treatment thus, she must bear their pain. Usually they gave two injections before taking you down to the O.R., one for each thigh, and shots hurt like bad leg cramps for several minutes.” Grealy exhibits trypanophobia owing to her extreme dread for the needles. By now I’d had three operations, including a bone biopsy. Grealy writes, “Though I didn’t mind blood tests, I’d developed a fear of pre-op injections. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community.