The cause of the devastation is a phenomenon that will come to be known as The Pulse, and the delivery method is a cell phone. Why not a little treat for himself? Clay's feeling good about the future.

He's already picked up a small (but expensive!) gift for his long-suffering wife, and he knows just what he'll get for his boy Johnny. He's just landed a comic book deal that might finally enable him to support his family by making art instead of teaching it. On October 1, God is in His heaven, the stock market stands at 10,140, most of the planes are on time, and Clayton Riddell, an artist from Maine, is almost bouncing up Boylston Street in Boston. From international bestseller Stephen King, a high-concept, ingenious and terrifying story about the mayhem unleashed when a pulse from a mysterious source transforms all cell phone users into homicidal maniacs.